Numerology meaning and your birth date

Now that you understand what the different numbers represent...we’re ready to figure out what this all means to you.
First of all, the numerological meaning of your birth date is based on the entire group of numbers. This important number is often referred to as your destiny number, because it’s constant...never changing. To calculate this numerology meanings number just add all the numbers together. (eg. July 17, 1959, would be 7 + 1 + 7 +1 + 9 + 5 +9 = 39. So this birth date, Susan's, would look like this 3 + 9 = 12, 1 + 2 = 3)
Since 39 and 12 are not single digit number, you add the first and second digits together to make a single digit number. Keep adding the sums of the numbers till you get one of the one digit numerology numbers. In Pythagorean numerology meanings, the 9s in your birth date would be dropped. I feel this came about, because every person would have a nine in their birthday if they were born in the twentieth century. In this example we’ll include them. So Susan's final number is "three".
Next, go back to "3" to see its numerology meaning and personality traits. You now have what is considered in this case, Susan's tendencies.
Now let’s look at just her birthday number. In the above example it’s 17 , which would be 1 + 7 = 8. Eight would also play a significant part in Susan's personality. Specifically, how she thinks and behaves in numerology meanings would be revealed by this number. This number also indicates her lucky days, lucky months, and compatible people. (No included in this article)
It’s interesting what comes out when this person, Susan Jenkins starts to develop a pattern of numbers and numerology meanings, which refines and pinpoints her destiny and personality traits. So Susan has a full birthday number of 3 and a personality number vibration of 8. Each number would affect or complement the other, so both have to be taken into consideration. A person is rarely just one number.

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