Zucchini Health Benefits

Zucchini belongs to the squash family. It is sometimes mistaken for cucumbers. Zucchini like other varieties of squash was cultivated in North America. Although its a summer plant its available all through the year. Each zucchini can grow unto a meter long. But usually its harvested when it is about 30 cms long. Zucchini has a delicate crisp flavor. Zucchini grows well in temperate climates and gives overwhelming production. Zucchini are mostly dark green in colour. The hybrid variety is golden yellow in colour.

Zucchini tastes best when they are small. They tend to lose their flavor as they grow larger. They can grow very large sometimes gigantic in size. They have very less shelf life. They have to be used within two days of harvest.
Unlike cucumbers Zucchini is usually cooked. When used for cooking its picked when still immature. It can be prepared using various cooking techniques like steaming, baking, blanching, stir fry. Stuffed zucchini is a delicacy. It makes the salad platter pleasant if added.
Zucchini provides innumerable health benefits. Zucchini is rich in vitamin C and helps cure asthma. It is known for its anti inflammatory properties. Zucchini is a powerful antioxidant. The vitamin C present in Zucchini helps prevent scurvy. Zucchini is a good source of magnesium and phosphorous which helps build bone health. It is also a rich source of riboflavin, manganese and Vitamin B6. Regular consumption of Zucchini helps prevent colon cancer and cardiovascular diseases. The dietary fiber present in Zucchini keeps the cholesterol levels under control . Zucchini contains Beta-Carotene thus protects cell damages. The Potassium found in Zucchini helps prevent hypertension. Zucchini is rich in folate
Zucchini contains about 94% water and this makes it a low calorie vegetable. Its is the best snack for weight watchers. Most weight loss programs recommend Zucchini for snacks.

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