How To Get Her Attention – WOMAN

I’ve had lots of complaints from the guys that that I’m always giving the ladies tips on how to do this or how to do that. Or what not to do in general. “Its like I don’t give a fuck about the guys ” that’s what Kevin from South Africa even emailed! I found it quite hilarious! So I decided to do an article for the guys today! How to get her attention!!

get-her-attentionI must confess that this article was initially inspired by a true love of mine whose name deserves mentioning! Marilyn Nana Aba Arthur! I tried getting her attention years ago. I failed miserably though! Kudos love. I’m sure I have it now (smiles). Because every girl is different, tricks that get one girl’s attention might turn another girl’s attention away! So if there’s a girl whose attention you want, what do you do? How do you know that your perfect little plan is not going to backfire!
No matter how old, young, rich, poor, shy, or friendly she is, all women have an underlying common denominator! Make the right combination of choices and you might just get more than her attention. Who knows , she might even drop them for you!

1.Be confident!

Don’t let any past bad experiences prevent you from identifying opportunities that are available to you in the present. If you’ve had a relationship that went sour, learn from it and put it in the past. It’s not healthy to dwell on failed relationships, and it’s probably not very attractive either( don’t go talking about your past relationship expecting sympathy). Embrace what life is giving you now, not what it could have given you in the past! Be comfortable with who you are . Be confident in your abilities and she will notice them too. Be careful not to come off as arrogant or selfish ! Its easy to misread exuberant confident for a cocky prick ! Dont be a Cristiano Ronaldo or Usain Bolt !…a sublime Beckam or Wayne Rooney will do!!

2.There’s nothing like “she out of my league” or “she’s beyond my reach”

Ever wondered how on earth Jay z with those lips got Beyonce ? Well its quite simple ! Exhibit good manners. Girls love guys who are polite and courteous. those bad boy days are long gone . Don’t do or say things that people consider offensive, including swearing and making sexist/racist/etc. jokes or comments. If you act like a gentleman, exhibiting your respect for females and other people in general, girls will be more likely to welcome your company. It might look “cool” to your guy friends, but it’s a real turnoff to the girls. they know that a good man is hard to find ! Be the good man( if even it makes you sick) . In the end the reward is always greater than the risk( with women)!
Do common things that are gentlemanly, like opening the door for a her, letting her cut you in line, saying “excuse me” and offering to help her carry her stuff. Doing the small things is really easy, and girls pay attention to them much more than guys do ! It sounds basic, but a lot of guys assume women are stupid or ditzy or classless. This is unfair, and it won’t make you very many friends among females. Think before you speak negatively about girls as a whole.

3.Look Good

This have probably been number one. But I rank being polite more important. No girl wants to go out with a guy that looks like a homeless and smells like he just shit on himslef. Guys keep yourself well groomed and in shape. If you want to get a woman to like you, basic cleanliness and appearance are extremely important. Girls notice things like bad breath, flab and greasy hair before they notice that winning personality. Give them a chance to see your good qualities by making a good first impression with your appearance. Dress well but stay within your budget . You don’t want to look like Prince Charming when you really are a
Robin Hood ! Stay fit . Do push ups,go jogging, visit the gym.You shouldn’t overdo it though! Having too many muscles can make it look like you care more about going to the gym than gaining her attention. In other words, stay fit without being obsessive.

4.Make eye contact

Never ever stare like a stalker, but don’t avoid eye contact either. When your eyes meet hers, hold that contact there for a brief while, you may throw in a grin or a smile if it feels right, and look away and continue with your business. She’ll wonder why you didn’t pay too much attention ! If you are really interested and really want to get her attention, have conversations with her that go beyond flirtation! Your goal will be trying to get a date on a weekend. Find out what makes her feel good – what are her interests and how does she spend her weekends? Find out what the two of you have in common and attempt to build on that. Maybe she loves to go to the cinema and she can’t get any of her friends to go with her, maybe there is a particular show that she has been dying to attend, but does not want to go alone. This is the perfect time to illustrate to her how interested you are without having to verbalize it, which could be awkward in the beginning. “If you take an interest in the things she enjoys, it gives you the opportunity to get to know her in a very personal way.

5.Speak to her!

That’s the most important of all. You can be confident, be nice, look good and make eye contact but a girl will be interested in you if she doesn’t know you exist. Make an effort to talk to her, even if approaching her seems scary at first. Good luck out there!

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