
Why did the Gujjus think the man who acted as Gandhi in the film was a woman?
Because his name was ‘Ben’ Kingsley.

Why does the Gujju go to London?
To see his Big Ben.

Q: What does one penny say to the other penny?
A: Let's get together and make some cents.

Q: What's the difference between a woman and a computer?
A: Woman doesn't accept 3 1/2 inch floppies.
Laloo Prasad was hosting a Japanese Delegation for Business Development to Bihar. The Japanese Emissary was quite impressed with Bihar and he stated, "Bihar is an excellent state. Give us three years and we will turn it into an economic superpower like Japan." Laloo was very surprised. "You Japanese are very ineficient," he stated. "Give me three days and I will turn Japan into the next Bihar!"

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