Many people are looking for ways to make money online. The best income you can make online is passive income. Passive income (also called residual income) is so great because you have to do the work only once (usually) and it will generate an income stream, for instance royalties or rent. One way to earn residual income online is by selling your photos on Dreamstime.
There are lot of people that earn $30 – $50 per month with only 100 photos uploaded. It may not seem like a lot of money, but if you have uploaded to many of the other micro-stock photography websites, they all combine for a great source of passive monthly income.
There are many micro-stock photography websites out there where you can make a buck online with your uploaded photos. But not every stock photography website will make you an even amount of money. Best stock site where we have good experience with is Dreamstime.
Unfortunately, the micro-stock photography industry as a whole is becoming too big. Every day there are thousands of new photos posted. The result is that buyers have more to choose from and the result is that there is a slight downward trend in earnings. This is one of the reasons why you should create multiple streams of online income. (Posting the photos on many stock websites will give you more change that someone will buy them.)
To make sure people will buy your photos you should only submit high quality photos. You can also do some research and look for niche subjects. With this we mean you should make some photos of subjects where there are not many photos available of on the stock photography site. This way there is more change that some will buy your photo if they will search for that subject.
In Conclusion
Whether you’re an amateur or professional photographer you can make money online by selling your photos on micro-stock photography sites. Make sure you submit it to several websites and make sure that they are of quality. Look for niche subjects, to make a better change of selling your photos.